Cybercrime insights @Be Mobile Conference of Blackberry
Marco went to Miami to give two talks at the Be Mobile Conference of Blackberry.
Marco went to Miami to give two talks at the Be Mobile Conference of Blackberry.
On may 7th, Marco gave a presentation at the BSI Cyber-Alliance conference about heartbleed.
The Heartbleed bug is a programming error in the versions 1.0.1 to 1.0.1f of the open-source OpenSSL cryptography library. Curesec has published hbad, a Heartbleed client side tool to check for this critical security gap.
Two days ago a critical security gap in one of the most common encryption protocolls (SSL) named „Heartbleed“ was published. We offer a free checkup to our clients!
Various components of the LiveZilla application are vulnerable to cross site scripting. An attacker can hijack an operator with cross site scripting.
On Windows systems with PHP versions installed that allow null bytes in the URL it is possible to turn a local file inclusion vulnerability to a full remote code execution vulnerability.
We are back with a great blogpost. This time about data exfiltration using ping, packed together as a simple backdoor-like code. The technique may work in generell for linux and windows as well, however the main target and interest was Android.
This vulnerability can be used to get payment credentials for Google Wallet and Paypal by abusing the popular application Whatsapp.
Today, we will show a bug concerning OpenSSH. OpenSSH is the most used remote control software nowadays on *nix like operating systems. Legacy claims it replaced unencrypted daemons like rcp, rsh and telnet. Find a version at: https://www.openssh.com.
In Part 1 of the analysis we have seen a first description of the dropper and how to extract the executeable placed in the file. To move forward with work we dumped the memory with the decrypted virus body and continued the analysis.
Some days ago we received an email with a double zipped dropper agent included. We decided to start an analysis. This is the first part with our results, in this blogpost we only focus on the dropper itself.
This time I will focus on FreeBSD kernel developement. The recent stable version of FreeBSD is 9.0, but for this example we will use a version 8.1 with i386 architecture.