LiteCart 1.3.2: Multiple XSS
Date: 2015-11-13 16:04:101. Introduction
Affected Product: | LiteCart 1.3.2 |
Fixed in: | 1.3.3 |
Fixed Version Link: | https://www.litecart.net/downloading?version=1.3.3 |
Vendor Contact: | development@litecart.net |
Vulnerability Type: | XSS |
Remote Exploitable: | Yes |
Reported to vendor: | 09/07/2015 |
Disclosed to public: | 11/13/2015 |
Release mode: | Coordinated release |
CVE: | n/a |
Credits | Tim Coen of Curesec GmbH |
2. XSS 1
The query parameter of the search is vulnerable to XSS.
Proof of Concept
3. XSS 2
The value of the GET parameter slide_id is passed to trigger_error if it is an invalid id. trigger_error does not encode input, and as LiteCart shows errors by default, this leads to an XSS vulnerability.
Proof of Concept
4. XSS 3
The value of the GET parameter doc is passed to trigger_error if it is invalid. trigger_error does not encode input, and as LiteCart shows errors by default, this leads to an XSS vulnerability. Additionally, the accessing of non-existing array values leads to a notice, which contains the index unsanitized. Because of this, $app_config['docs'][$_GET['doc']] can also lead to XSS.
Proof of Concept
5. Solution
To mitigate this issue please upgrade at least to version 1.3.3:
Please note that a newer version might already be available.
6. Report Timeline
09/07/2015 | Informed Vendor about Issue |
10/05/2015 | Vendor releases fix |
11/13/2015 | Disclosed to public |